Melissa Parsons, MD
Intellectual Wellness
This week we will be talking about positive psychology - it's effect in the Emergency Department and on our lives. Martin Seligman described the PERMA model - positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishments which all improve our well-being. We will look more in depth at positive psychological and the PERMA model. We will also look at how to bring positive psychology into our workplaces and how to employ positive psychology in our lives, via Three Good Things. Consider downloading the 3 Good Things app onto your phone!
If you want to go above and beyond, please consider completing your strengths assessment prior to coming to conference, or you can complete your Ikigai as well (found in other resources below).
Finally, come to conference prepared to discuss the questions listed below.
Reading Assignments (III):
1. Watch this video on Positive Psychology.
2. Let's take a look at some research on Positive Psychology Interventions.
3. Read this study on the use of Three Good Things in healthcare workers.
Other Resources:
1. Read about Ikigai.
2. Instructions on how to complete your Ikigai.
3. Complete your Strengths Assessment.
4. Read about how to increase your intellectual wellness.
5. Read about why travel is great for your health
6. For more information about positive psychology, check out this educational module by wrapEM.org.
Discussion Questions for Conference:
1. How would you define Positive Psychology? What are its goals?
2. What are examples of positive psychology interventions?
3. What are ways that you do/could apply positive psychology in your daily life?
4. How can positive psychology be applied in the ED? Or to improve our experience during residency?